A quick guide to use Easy Chair conference management system for VSS 2010

(Comment, correction, suggestion please contact Ha Dang <dxha (attttt) vt (dottttt) edu>)

How it works?

  1. Authors submit their paper
  2. Track chairs assign submitted papers to PC member in his/her track
  3. Track chairs and PC members review papers, or invite other people to review via email.
  4. Track chairs make decision on reviewed papers.

All users need to create an Easy Chair account. After following the submission link provided on VSS 2010 website, you will be directed to Easy Chair (EC) website. Link for creating account is provided on EC website (look for  "If you do not have an EasyChair account or have problems to log in then click here." at the bottom).

Warning: After registration, if no instruction email sent to your university email after 1-2 minutes, your email server may block or queue EC emails. You may need to use your Gmail or Yahoo email instead.


How to submit your abstract? (for author)

  1. Login to VSS 2010 submission page provided by EC.
  2. Click on "New Submission" link on top of the screen.
  3. Select the track you want to submit your abstract, and click "Continue".
  4. Submission form appears, fill in with your abstract and related information.
    - You can fill "N/A" on the text box that is irrelevant to you (such as "Fax").
    - At least one author and two keywords are required.
    - If your abstract is plain-text, fill in the abstract text box, and also click on "Abstract only" in the Paper upload
    - If your abstract contains formulae that cannot be displayed as plain text (or you want it to be well-formatted, etc.), please write some note in the the Abstract (at least two lines), and upload your true abstract in the Paper upload box.
  5. Click on "Submit Paper" button.
  6. Submitted abstract can be modified later by loging-in and click on "My submissions". The menu on the right will assist you with submission modification.


How to assign abstracts/papers to PC member? (for track chair)

  1. Click on "Assignment" menu
  2. Click on "Interactive Assignment"
  3. You will see a list of submitted paper. Click on the name of the PC member you want to assign the paper (under each paper). You can also assign yourself to a paper (recommended, but not necessary since chair has full access to all papers in the track).


How to review a paper? (for track chair and PC member)

Track chair can review all papers in the track he/she chairs. PC member can only review papers assigned to him/her. To review a paper:

  1. Move mouse over "Reviews" menu on top of the screen, and select "My papers".
  2. All papers assigned to you will be displayed. You can click on "Details" to see the abstract (plain-text or in PDF/Word uploaded file).
  3. Click on "Add review" link (on the right menu)
  4. Fill in your review information after you read the abstract.
  5. Click on "submit review" button.
  6. Your review can be revised later:
    - Move mouse over "Reviews" menu on top of the screen, and select "My papers".
    - Click on "Revise your review" link associated with the paper.


How to make decision on a paper? (track chair)

Track chair can make decision on a reviewed paper.

  1. Click on "Show reviews" link associated with the paper
  2. Click on "Change decision" link.
  3. Select the decision and click "Change" . If no further review is needed for the paper, you can also tick on "Hide the paper".

How to request for review?

It is possible to request for review by email. Reviewers will be provided with a link to the paper, and a downloadable review form. Reviewers need to fill out the form, and send it to the PC member by email, then PC member who requested for review will extract data from the review form to input to the system (or upload it directly if it is kept in the right format by reviewers).  EC does not support direct input for review by email currently (but yes in the near future). Therefore, it is recommended (for VSS 2010 only) to add reviewers as PC member so that they can input their review online.

Track chair can invite a reviewer as PC member by following:

  1. Click on "PC" menu (on top)
  2. Click on "Add a new PC member" (right menu)
  3. If you choose the easy way, fill in the first text box with FirstName, LastName, Email of the reviewer (in a single line), and submit the form. Multiple reviewers can be added at the same time (each reviewer in a single line, see the example above the box).